According to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) needs to clarify the roles and responsibilities of those employees responsible for protecting the security of taxpayer data and other sensitive information, according to a new report publicly released today.
While the IRS has educated its employees about information technology (IT) issues, TIGTA found that it did not document all IT security roles and responsibilities in the Internal Revenue Manual (IRM); develop and document day-to-day IT security procedures and guidelines; properly conduct compliance assessments to test IT procedures; or establish effective metrics for measuring compliance with procedures.
As a result, TIGTA concluded, the IRS cannot ensure all IRS and contract employees will carry out their responsibilities to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of taxpayer data.
TIGTA recommended that the IRS update the IRM to include all IT security roles, ensure that security roles and responsibilities are periodically reviewed and updated, and develop procedures to validate compliance with IT procedures. In addition, TIGTA recommended that the IRS reopen the roles and responsibilities component of the computer security material weakness.
The IRS agreed with three of TIGTA’s recommendations which is great bu t declined to reopen the roles and responsibility component of the computer security material weakness which is crap.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Differentiate Between Ethics And Law
In general, ethics is a moral philosophy where a person makes a specific moral choice and sticks to it. On the other hand, ethics in computing means moral guidelines to refer to when using the computer and computer networks. This includes the Internet.
Law is a legal system comprising of rules and principles that govern the affairs of a community and controlled by a political authority.
Law differs from one country to another. In the era of technology, computer law is needed to clarify goods or actions that fall under the computer law. Computer law refers to all areas in law that requires an understanding of computer technology such as hardware, software and Internet.
Examples of laws of computing in Malaysia include the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Act, the Computer Crime Act 1997 and the Telemedicine Act 1997. State the need for intellectual property laws
• Respecting Ownership
• Respecting Privacy
• Respecting Property
We must respect ownership by not stealing other people’s work either by duplicating or distributing it. Duplicating and distributing copies of audio
tapes, video tapes and computer programs without permission and authorisation from the individual or company that created the program
are immoral and illegal.
We should respect other people's privacy and confidentiality by refraining ourselves from reading their mails or files without their permission. If we do so, it is considered as violating an individual’s rights to privacy and confidentiality.
Property here means ownership. Since an individual data and information are considered as property, therefore, an act of tampering and changing electronic information is considered as vandalism and disrespect for other people’s property.
Both ethics and law are complimentary to each other and are made:
• to guide user from misusing computers
• to create a healthy computer society, so that computers are used to
contribute to a better life
• to prevent any crime
GUIDELINE As a guideline to computer users.
MORAL STANDARDS Ethical behaviour is judged by moral standards.
FREE TO FOLLOW Computer users are free to follow or ignore the code of ethics.
NO PUNISHMENTS No punishment for anyone who violates ethics.
UNIVERSALS Universal, can be applied anywhere, all over the world.
COMPUTER USERS To produce ethical computer users.
IMMORAL Not honouring computer ethics means ignoring the moral elements
CONTROL As a rule to control computer users.
JUDICIAL STANDARDS Law is judged by judicial standards.
MUST FOLLOW Computer users must follow the regulations and law.
AND OTHER PUNISHMENTS Penalties, imprisonments and other punishments for those
who break the law.
DEPENDS ON COUNTRY Depends on country and state where the crime is
COMPUTERS To prevent misuse of computers.
CRIME Not honouring the law means committing a crime.
• using the office computer to do personal things
• reading your friend’s e-mail without his or her permission
• plagiarising and using materials from the Internet for your class assignment without giving credit to the original author.
Law breaking:
• sending a computer virus via e-mail
• hacking into your school’s database to change your examination results.
• selling pirated software in a night market
Intellectual Property refers to works created by inventors, authors and artists. These works are unique and have value in the market place. In our daily lives, we are surrounded by things that are protected by IP. Your school bags, your shoes and even your socks are protected by Intellectual Property rights. Nike, Bata or Adidas, for example, are all protected by a group of legal rights.
Intellectual Property laws cover ideas, inventions, literary creations, unique names, business models, industrial processes, computer program codes and more.
As businesses continue to expand globally, business owners must realise the importance of getting professional advice on how to establish and safeguard their intellectual property rights. These include :
• Trademarks
• Service marks
• Trade/company names
• Domain names
• Geographical indications
• Copyrights
• Patents
There are four types of Intellectual Property protection. They are patents for invention, trademarks for brand identity, designs for product appearance and copyright for material.
• Patents for inventions
• Trademarks for brand identity
• Design for product appearance
• Copyright for material
Patents for inventions
Utility, design or plant patents that protect inventions and improvements to
existing inventions
Trademarks for brand identity
Words, names, symbols, devices and images that represent products, goods or services.
Design for product appearance
Literary and artistic material, music, films, sound recordings and roadcasts,
including software and multimedia.
Copyright for material
The features of, in particular,the lines, contours, colours,shape, texture or material of the product itself or its ornamentation.
In general, ethics is a moral philosophy where a person makes a specific moral choice and sticks to it. On the other hand, ethics in computing means moral guidelines to refer to when using the computer and computer networks. This includes the Internet.
Law is a legal system comprising of rules and principles that govern the affairs of a community and controlled by a political authority.
Law differs from one country to another. In the era of technology, computer law is needed to clarify goods or actions that fall under the computer law. Computer law refers to all areas in law that requires an understanding of computer technology such as hardware, software and Internet.
Examples of laws of computing in Malaysia include the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Act, the Computer Crime Act 1997 and the Telemedicine Act 1997. State the need for intellectual property laws
• Respecting Ownership
• Respecting Privacy
• Respecting Property
We must respect ownership by not stealing other people’s work either by duplicating or distributing it. Duplicating and distributing copies of audio
tapes, video tapes and computer programs without permission and authorisation from the individual or company that created the program
are immoral and illegal.
We should respect other people's privacy and confidentiality by refraining ourselves from reading their mails or files without their permission. If we do so, it is considered as violating an individual’s rights to privacy and confidentiality.
Property here means ownership. Since an individual data and information are considered as property, therefore, an act of tampering and changing electronic information is considered as vandalism and disrespect for other people’s property.
Both ethics and law are complimentary to each other and are made:
• to guide user from misusing computers
• to create a healthy computer society, so that computers are used to
contribute to a better life
• to prevent any crime
GUIDELINE As a guideline to computer users.
MORAL STANDARDS Ethical behaviour is judged by moral standards.
FREE TO FOLLOW Computer users are free to follow or ignore the code of ethics.
NO PUNISHMENTS No punishment for anyone who violates ethics.
UNIVERSALS Universal, can be applied anywhere, all over the world.
COMPUTER USERS To produce ethical computer users.
IMMORAL Not honouring computer ethics means ignoring the moral elements
CONTROL As a rule to control computer users.
JUDICIAL STANDARDS Law is judged by judicial standards.
MUST FOLLOW Computer users must follow the regulations and law.
AND OTHER PUNISHMENTS Penalties, imprisonments and other punishments for those
who break the law.
DEPENDS ON COUNTRY Depends on country and state where the crime is
COMPUTERS To prevent misuse of computers.
CRIME Not honouring the law means committing a crime.
• using the office computer to do personal things
• reading your friend’s e-mail without his or her permission
• plagiarising and using materials from the Internet for your class assignment without giving credit to the original author.
Law breaking:
• sending a computer virus via e-mail
• hacking into your school’s database to change your examination results.
• selling pirated software in a night market
Intellectual Property refers to works created by inventors, authors and artists. These works are unique and have value in the market place. In our daily lives, we are surrounded by things that are protected by IP. Your school bags, your shoes and even your socks are protected by Intellectual Property rights. Nike, Bata or Adidas, for example, are all protected by a group of legal rights.
Intellectual Property laws cover ideas, inventions, literary creations, unique names, business models, industrial processes, computer program codes and more.
As businesses continue to expand globally, business owners must realise the importance of getting professional advice on how to establish and safeguard their intellectual property rights. These include :
• Trademarks
• Service marks
• Trade/company names
• Domain names
• Geographical indications
• Copyrights
• Patents
There are four types of Intellectual Property protection. They are patents for invention, trademarks for brand identity, designs for product appearance and copyright for material.
• Patents for inventions
• Trademarks for brand identity
• Design for product appearance
• Copyright for material
Patents for inventions
Utility, design or plant patents that protect inventions and improvements to
existing inventions
Trademarks for brand identity
Words, names, symbols, devices and images that represent products, goods or services.
Design for product appearance
Literary and artistic material, music, films, sound recordings and roadcasts,
including software and multimedia.
Copyright for material
The features of, in particular,the lines, contours, colours,shape, texture or material of the product itself or its ornamentation.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
A system is an arrangement of elements that when it is put together it becomes an organised and established procedure. A system typically consists of components connected together in order to facilitate the flow of information, matter or energy.
A computer system consists of a set of hardware and software which processes data in a meaningful way.
A system is an arrangement of elements that when it is put together it becomes an organised and established procedure. A system typically consists of components connected together in order to facilitate the flow of information, matter or energy.
A computer system consists of a set of hardware and software which processes data in a meaningful way.
In the past, it took a long time for any news or messages to be send. Now with the Internet, news or messages are sent via e-mail to friends, business partners or to anyone efficiently. With the capability of bandwidth, broadband and connection speed on the Internet, any information can travel fast and at an instant. It saves time and is inexpensive.
Using the Internet is cost-effective than the other modes of communication such as telephone, mailing or courier service. It allows people to have access to large amounts of data at a very low cost. With the Internet we do not have to pay for any basic services provided by the Internet. Furthermore, the cost of connection to the Internet is relatively cheap.
Computers are reliable. With the internet, information could be accessed and retrieved from anywhere and at anytime. This makes it a reliable mode of communication. However, the input to the computer is contributed by humans. If the data passed to the computer is faulty, the result will be faulty as well. This is related to the term GIGO.
GIGO is a short form for Garbage In Garbage Out. It refers to the quality of output produced according to the input. Normally bad input produces bad output.
With the advancement of ICT, information can be shared by people all around the world. People can share and exchange opinions, news and information through discussion groups, mailing list and forums on the Internet. This enable knowledge sharing which will contribute to the development of knowledge based society.
ICT technology has created the term paperless environment. This term means information can be stored and retrieved through the digital medium instead of paper. Online communication via emails, online chat and instant messaging also helps in creating the paperless environment.
Internet offers fast information retrieval, interactivity, accessibility and versatility. It has become a borderless sources for services and information. Through the Internet, information and communication can be borderless.
There are some negative effects of ICT. It has created social problems in the society. Nowadays, people tend to choose online communication rather than having real time conversations. People tend to become more individualistic and introvert.
Another negative effect of ICT is :
• fraud
• identity theft
• Pornography
• Hacking
This will result a moral decedent and generate threads to the society.
A computer may harm users if they use it for long hours frequently. Computer users are also exposed to bad posture, eyestrain, physical and mental stress. In order to solve the health problems, an ergonomic environment can be introduced. For example, an ergonomic chair can reduces back strain and a screen filter is used to minimize eye strain.
In the past, it took a long time for any news or messages to be send. Now with the Internet, news or messages are sent via e-mail to friends, business partners or to anyone efficiently. With the capability of bandwidth, broadband and connection speed on the Internet, any information can travel fast and at an instant. It saves time and is inexpensive.
Using the Internet is cost-effective than the other modes of communication such as telephone, mailing or courier service. It allows people to have access to large amounts of data at a very low cost. With the Internet we do not have to pay for any basic services provided by the Internet. Furthermore, the cost of connection to the Internet is relatively cheap.
Computers are reliable. With the internet, information could be accessed and retrieved from anywhere and at anytime. This makes it a reliable mode of communication. However, the input to the computer is contributed by humans. If the data passed to the computer is faulty, the result will be faulty as well. This is related to the term GIGO.
GIGO is a short form for Garbage In Garbage Out. It refers to the quality of output produced according to the input. Normally bad input produces bad output.
With the advancement of ICT, information can be shared by people all around the world. People can share and exchange opinions, news and information through discussion groups, mailing list and forums on the Internet. This enable knowledge sharing which will contribute to the development of knowledge based society.
ICT technology has created the term paperless environment. This term means information can be stored and retrieved through the digital medium instead of paper. Online communication via emails, online chat and instant messaging also helps in creating the paperless environment.
Internet offers fast information retrieval, interactivity, accessibility and versatility. It has become a borderless sources for services and information. Through the Internet, information and communication can be borderless.
There are some negative effects of ICT. It has created social problems in the society. Nowadays, people tend to choose online communication rather than having real time conversations. People tend to become more individualistic and introvert.
Another negative effect of ICT is :
• fraud
• identity theft
• Pornography
• Hacking
This will result a moral decedent and generate threads to the society.
A computer may harm users if they use it for long hours frequently. Computer users are also exposed to bad posture, eyestrain, physical and mental stress. In order to solve the health problems, an ergonomic environment can be introduced. For example, an ergonomic chair can reduces back strain and a screen filter is used to minimize eye strain.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
usage of ict in everyday life
Today, most schools and higher educational institutions have computers in the classroom for teacher and students. In education, teachers, students, researchers and school administrators benefits from the usage of ICT.
The computer is the nerve centre of the banking system around the world. It functions to control the entire banking system that also includes 'Electronic Banking Services'.
Electronic banking provides 24 hour services. The services include :
• Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
• Cheque Deposit
• Electronic Fund Tranfer
• Direct Deposit
• Pay by phone system
• Personal computer banking/ internet banking
In the banking sector, customers, businessman and bank administrator benefits from the usage of ICT.
Computers are used to facilitate production planning and control systems, to support chain management and to help in product design in the industrial sector.In the industrial sector ,workers, researchers and administrator benefits from the usage of ICT.
E-commerce helps in boosting the economy. It makes buying and selling activities easier, more efficient and faster. For this application, computers, Internet and shared software are needed.
In the e-commerce sector ,customers r, suppliers and employees benefits from the usage of ICT.
Generation of c0mputer . .
First Generation Computers (1940-1956)
During the first generation,computers were with vacuum tubes.Vacuum tube is an electronic tube is made of glass used as computer component to store and process data.The problems of vacuum tube are generates lots of heat that can damage computer and tubes can burnt out frequently.ENIAC is first generation computer that contains weights of 30 tons,18000 vacuum tubes,30-50 foot space and 16000 watts of power.Advantages of computers in this era :The using of vacuum tubes that can store and process data
Second Generation of Computer (1956-1963)
Third Generation of Computer (1964-1971)
In third generation, the operating systems allowerd the machine to run many different application. These applications were monitored and cooordinated by the computer's memory. In third generation also, the Integrated Circuit(IC) was invented in 1958 by Jack Kilby is combined with electronic components onto a small silicon disc, made from quartz. more advancement made possible the fitings of even more components on a small chip or semi conductor.
Fourth Generation of Computer (1971-present)
Fourth Generation of computers are the modern day computers. The siz started to go down with the improvement in the integrated circuits. Very Large Scale(VLSI) and Ultra Large Scale(ULSI) ensured that millions of components could be fit into a small chip. It reduced the size and price of the computers at the same time increasing power, efficiency and reliability. "the intel 4004 chi[, developed in 1971, took integrated circuit one step further by locating all the components of a computer (central processing unit, memory,and input and output controls) on a minuscule chip."
The continued improvement allowed the networking of computers for the sharing of data. Local Area Networks(LAN) and Wide Area Network(WAN), were potential benefits, in that they could be implemented in corporations and everybody could share data over it. Soon the internet aand World Wide Web appeared on the computer scene and formented the Hi-Tech revolution of 90's.
fifth of generation of computer
Fifth generations computers are only in the minds of advance research scientiets and being tested out in the laboratories. These computers will be under Artifical Intelligence(AI), They will be able to take commands in a audio visual way and carry out instructions. Many of the operations which requires low human intelligence will be perfomed by these computers.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
introduction - what is ICT?
You see the letters ICT everywhere - particularly in education. But what does it mean? Read our brief introduction to this important and fast-changing subject.
ICT is an acronym that stands for Information Communications Tecnology
However, apart from explaining an acronym, there is not a universally accepted defininition of ICT? Why? Because the concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving on an almost daily basis. Its difficult to keep up with the changes - they happen so fast.
Lets focus on the three words behind ICT:
A good way to think about ICT is to consider all the uses of digital technology that already exist to help individuals, businesses and organisations use information.
ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. For example, personal computers, digital television, email, robots.
So ICT is concerned with the storage, retrieval, manipulation, transmission or receipt of digital data. Importantly, it is also concerned with the way these different uses can work with each other.
In business, ICT is often categorised into two broad types of product: -
(1) The traditional computer-based technologies (things you can typically do on a personal computer or using computers at home or at work); and
(2) The more recent, and fast-growing range of digital communication technologies (which allow people and organisations to communicate and share information digitally)
Let's take a brief look at these two categories to demonstrate the kinds of products and ideas that are covered by ICT:
Traditional Computer Based Technologies
These types of ICT include:
Application | Use |
Standard Office Applications - Main Examples | |
Word processing | E.g. Microsoft Word: Write letters, reports etc |
Spreadsheets | E.g. Microsoft Excel; Analyse financial information; calculations; create forecasting models etc |
Database software | E.g. Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Access; Managing data in many forms, from basic lists (e.g. customer contacts through to complex material (e.g. catalogue) |
Presentation software | E.g. Microsoft PowerPoint; make presentations, either directly using a computer screen or data projector. Publish in digital format via email or over the Internet |
Desktop publishing | E.g. Adobe Indesign, Quark Express, Microsoft Publisher; produce newsletters, magazines and other complex documents. |
Graphics software | E.g Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator; Macromedia Freehand and Fireworks; create and edit images such as logos, drawings or pictures for use in DTP, web sites or other publications |
Specialist Applications - Examples (there are many!) | |
Accounting package | E.g. Sage, Oracle; Manage an organisation's accounts including revenues/sales, purchases, bank accounts etc. A wide range of systems is available ranging from basic packages suitable for small businesses through to sophisticated ones aimed at multinational companies. |
Computer Aided Design | Computer Aided Design (CAD) is the use of computers to assist the design process. Specialised CAD programs exist for many types of design: architectural, engineering, electronics, roadways |
Customer Relations Management (CRM) | Software that allows businesses to better understand their customers by collecting and analysing data on them such as their product preferences, buying habits etc. Often linked to software applications that run call centres and loyalty cards for example. |
Traditional Computer Based Technologies
The C part of ICT refers to the communication of data by electronic means, usually over some distance. This is often achieved via networks of sending and receiving equipment, wires and satellite links.
The technologies involved in communication tend to be complex. You certainly don't need to understand them for your ICT course. However, there are aspects of digital communications that you needs to be aware of. These relate primarily to the types of network and the ways of connecting to the Internet. Let's look at these two briefly (further revision notes provide much more detail to support your study).
Internal networks
Usually referred to as a local area network (LAN), this involves linking a number of hardware items (input and output devices plus computer processing) together within an office or building.
The aim of a LAN is to be able to share hardware facilities such as printers or scanners, software applications and data. This type of network is invaluable in the office environment where colleagues need to have access to common data or programmes.
External networks
Often you need to communicate with someone outside your internal network, in this case you will need to be part of a Wide Area Network (WAN). The Internet is the ultimate WAN - it is a vast network of networks.
ICT in a Broader Context
ICT in a Broader Context
Your ICT course will almost certainly cover the above examples of ICT in action, perhaps focusing on the use of key applications such as spreadsheets, databases, presentation, graphics and web design software.
It will also consider the following important topics that deal with the way ICT is used and managed in an organisation:
- The nature of information (the "I" in ICT); this covers topics such as the meaning and value of information; how information is controlled; the limitations of ICT; legal considerations
- Management of information - this covers how data is captured, verified and stored for effective use; the manipulation, processing and distribution of information; keeping information secure; designing networks to share information
- Information systems strategy - this considers how ICT can be used within a business or organisation as part of achieving goals and objectives
As you can see, ICT is a broad and fast-changing subject. We hope our free study materials (revision notes, quizzes, presentations etc) will help you master IT!
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
sejarah star putra sabak bernam
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Sekolah ini terletak di lot 5269 dan Lot 5298 dalam Mukim Sabak Bernam. Negeri Selangor Darul Ehsan. dengan keluasan 12 ekar. Jarak dari Pekan Sabak Bernam kira-kira 1 Km. 0.75 Km ke selatan Sungai Bernam. 35 Km dari Bandar Teluk Intan Perak. 110 Km dari Bandar Klang. 145 Km dari Ibu Kota Kuala Lumpur .Terletak di tepi Jln Kalabakan iaitu utama Klang-Teluk Intan. Pendidikan aliran Inggeris dan pembinaan sekolah telah bermula pada pertengahan tahun 1951 di atas tanah yang diwakafkan oleh Dato’ Tan Boon Chong, dengan pemilihan pelajar pelopor seramai 63 orang (33 orang murid Melayu dan 30 orang murid Cina). Pada 7 November 1954, Raja Tun Uda (Menteri Besar Selangor) telah merasmikan sekolah Inggeris pertama, diberi nama Sekolah Rendah Inggeris Sabak Bernam. Pada tahun 1955, seramai 33 orang pelajar (gambar kecil) terpilih setelah berjaya dalam peperiksaan masuk ke sekolah menengah dan menjadi pelopor pelajar yang meneruskan pembelajaran di Sekolah Menengah Inggeris. Sekolah Menengah Inggeris Sabak Bernam telah bermula pada awal tahun 1956, namun masih menumpang di bangunan Sekolah Rendah Inggeris dengan ditadbirkan oleh seorang Guru Besar sehingga tahun 1959. Menjelang tahun 1960, pentadbirannya telah dipisahkan dan pelajarnya dipindahkan ke bangunan yang baru iaitu Sekolah Khir Johari (Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Khir Johari kini. |
Bermula dengan 33 orang pelajar, sekolah ini telah mengalami evolusi pertambahan pelajar yang ketara. Pada tahun 1960 seramai 247 orang, 1962 seramai 383 orang seterusnya meningkat kepada 727 orang pelajar pada tahun 1968. Pada tahun 1966, para pelajarnya pula berpindah ke bangunan baru dengan nama Sekolah Lanjutan Jalan Feri (kini SMK Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra . Sekolah Inggeris ini telah mengalami evolusi nama dan lencana sekolah seperti di bawah: |
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